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30th -Thunder with considerable rain last night, but clear today Wind W. Did not go to Town, had my twenty Merino Ewes Shorn today, they have fine & heavy Fleeces – Mr. Nicols, Mr. Holliday & W. Lux din’d with us, & Mrs. Nicols, Mrs. Chamberlain & two Mr. Chamberlains, also Mr. E. Johnson & Mr. Geo. Brown drank Tea with us ~ Had very fine Peas and Strawberries today
From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, May 30, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.
Feby 5th – Clear morng. but cloudy evening Wind S and cool. Went to Town, din’d at Alex Brown with a large Party – Clos’d Mr. Peters business with Mr. Ed. Johnson –
From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, February 5, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.