Committee of Vigilance and Safety: “carriages should be sent to bring home the wounded… a party be sent to bury the Dead”

Baltimore 3 O’Clock P. M. 14th September 1814

The Committee of Vigilance and Safety met pursuant to adjournment— The proceedings of the forenoon were read—

The Committee received a verbal communication from the Major General requesting, that, two Fire Ships should be prepared and delivered to Commodore Rogers forthwith; that carriages should be sent to bring home the wounded: and that a party be sent to bury the Dead—therefore— Resolved, That Mr. Burke, Mr. Schaffer and Mr. Stevens with Mr. Joseph Smith the Harbour Master, be and they are hereby requested to provide two Fire Ships; say old sloops or schooners filled with light wood, tar and other combustible matter and to deliver them with all possible dispatch to Commodore Rodgers—

Resolved That, the Members of this Committee will immediately press and procure Hacks or other Carriages to bring our wounded men from the battle ground—

Resolved, That Mr. Buchannan, Mr. Payson & Mr. Frisby be appointed a committee, whose duty it shall be, first to provide for the immediate internment of such of our brave fellow citizens as have fallen in the late attack on this city and further to provide for such funeral Honors as becomes the duty of the living to pay to the brave and virtuous Dead—

Ordered, That the foregoing Resolution be published—

Resolved, That Mr. William Wilson and Mr. Frisby be and they are hereby directed and requested to wait on Major Armstead and know of him whether he would require any other ships to be sunk near Fort McHenry—

Resolved, That the Superintendent theretofore appointed to aid in the Fortifications at Camp-look-out be and he is hereby requested to furnish the Engineer tomorrow morning with as many labourers and Carpenters as he may require, and to continue the supply of labour and mechanical aid until the work is completed—

The following letter was read agreed to and ordered to be forwarded—

To the Deputy Commissary of Purchases

Sir— The opportunities which we have had of observing the injury to the public service by the absence of the Deputy Commissary of pur- chases and the public Storekeeper induces us to assume the privilege of recommending that those important officers may not permit their military to interfere with their Staff duties, but on the contrary they remain to discharge the latter—

The Committee then adjourned to 8 O’Clock tomorrow morning—

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