Aug. 26th
Commences fresh Breezes & cloudy. At 2 PM boarded a Swedish Brig from Cadiz bound to Hamburg, cargo Sugar & cotton. At 4 PM saw a large fleet steering on a wind to the Eastward, several men of war in company. At 8 PM hove to. At 2 AM wove ship and stood to the Eastward. At 5 AM saw a sail from the Masthead. Made sail in chase. At 10 came up with & captured the British Brig Sir [?] Popham Clements master from Lisbon bound to London, cargo Oranges & Lemons & Onions. Took a few of them out, and as she belonged totally to the Master of her gave her up to him.
From the Schooner Mammoth Logs, 1814. MS 3082, H. Furlong Baldwin Library, Maryland Historical Society.