on August 19th
The first part of these 24 hours commences with moderate Breezes and clear Weather, at 2 PM came up with & captured the English Brig Salus Teecher. From Quebec bound to Liverpool (305 Tons, Registry No. 68. [?] [?] [?] & Lace of Liverpool) with a cargo of Lumber. Made a Cartel of her (she having several Lady Passengers on board) and sent 73 prisoners in her. At 6 PM Mizen Head bore North. Dist. 10 miles, and Cape Clear bore E.N.E. dist 18 miles.
Latter part cloudy, and moderate. At 5 AM saw a sail from masthead. Made sail in chase & celared ship for action. At 11 Boarded him, she proved to be the Barke Mary, our prize. Gave him a few articles she wanted, and told him to proceed as fast as possible. Mr. Hall, Prize Master of the Barke, informed us he saw a Frigate who bore down on him within gunshot. When they hoisted English colors on Board of the Prize, and the Frigate fired a gun to Leeward, and made sail in chase of us who then saw from the Masthead over hauling the Brig. We did not see him.
From the Schooner Mammoth Logs, 1814. MS 3082, H. Furlong Baldwin Library, Maryland Historical Society.