10 Sunday – Cloudy & Sultry day, rode by Furley to the Orchard. Mrs. T went to Church & din’d at Mr. Wirgmans, return’d in the evg with F. Bowly, S. Stewart & P. Merony. Din’d at Home alone – Wind S.E.
From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, July 10, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.
9 – Fine day & cool – Wind S.W. Went to Town, return’d to dinner – Mrs. T & Sally Stewart drank Tea at Mr. Peters, who call’d at Clifton this morning ~ Made a Stack of Hay & put a large quantity in cocks
From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, July 9, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.
8 July – Very fine cool day – Wind N – Went to Town, return’d to Dinner – Very busy mowing & making Hay for which the weather is beautiful, had ten Men at Work – R. & M. Peters return‘d home in the evg.
From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, July 8, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.
7 – Remarkably pleasant day Wind N.W. & Term. only 78. Finish’d hauling up Rye, of which I have a large Crop & in fine order – Din’d at home, & afterwards went to Town and excercised my Men at Artillery Drill in the Riding School, performed tolerably well ~ Rebecca & Maria Peters din’d at Clifton & staid all Night – Had 10 men mowing, making Hay & Stacking – beautiful evening
From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, July 7, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.
6 – Fine Hot day – Term. 88, Wind S.W. – Staid at Home to assist in getting up my Rye, haul’d 29 Cart Loads, made 3 Stacks & put a good deal in Barn Loft, did a great days work. Mrs. Stewart & Fanny Bowly came out to Dinner & afterwards to Furley
From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, July 6, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.
5 – Very fine day – Wind, N.W. Went to Town, return’d to dinner. Mrs. T. & S. Stewart walk’d to Mr. Ph. Rogers & Henry return’d with them – Busy hauling Rye & making Hay. Receiv’d two Pups from Mr. Patterson of the Spanish breed of Sheep Dog
From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, July 5, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.
4th July – Fine day, Wind S.W. The 3rd Brigade Paraded in Honor of the day, and I join’d with the Horse Artillery, being the first time we have been out, and had a very good Muster, – look’d very well. Mrs. T. & Children, Miss Merony & Sally Stewart rode to Town and we all return’d to Dinner- Commenc’d mowing Orchard – Wm. Hollins call’d for a few minutes
From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, July 4, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.
On July 4, 1814, the American and Commercial Daily Advertiser continued its’ “annual custom” publishing the Declaration of Independence in full:
For newspaper editor William Pechin, reading Thomas Jefferson’s words held special meaning in the summer of 1814:
We have this day, according to annual custom, inserted the Declaration of American Independence.—Never since the 4th day of July 1776, has its publication become more necessary, for never since the Revolutionary war has our Independence been in greater danger from the same ambitious and powerful enemy.—Let every American read it with solemn attention, and firmly resolve, with an honest ear, and a resolute hand, to support the liberties of the Republic.
The threat of the British attacks on towns and small farms around the Chesapeake still did not prevent Baltimore from celebrating the occasion. After the holiday passed, the American Commercial and Daily Advertiser summarized the events of the day in their next issue on July 6:
“Monday last, being the annual recurrence of that memorable transaction which took place on the 4th day of July 1776, and which, we trust, for ever separated the Western from the trammels of the Eastern hemisphere, the same was observed in this city by the various Military Corps and Associations—In the morning, they parade in Market-street, from whence they marched to Pratt-street Avenue, and fired three rounds in the honor of the day—After which they returned to Market-street, when the corps proceeded to their separate parades, and dismissed, each man to his place of abode, where, we hope, they will see many happy returns of the day, and long enjoy peace and independence, the invaluable inheritance of FREEMEN, both individually and nationally.”
Others gathered for private parties, including at Rutter’s Spring where William Pechin, writing on July 7, praised their restraint:
“A small part convened at this delightful spot to celebrate the Anniversary of Independence. Fully sensible, that the memory of Freedom is too often abused by inebriated riot, this little band of patriots mingled their bowl with temperance and discretion, and after dining and drinking the following toasts, went to their respective homes with gladdened hearts and steady heads.”
The group still shared a twenty-six toasts including a toast to the City of Baltimore calling it “The scourge of traitors, the heart of oak, too tough to be split by the influence which flows through the ‘Common Sewer’.”