In 1813, Edward Gray purchased a paper mill built around 1794 by Peter Mendenhal converted the mill to produce cotton yarn and cloth. By 1820, Gray employed 115 people, including 40 men and 75 children. One of the mill’s early buildings (used as a general store for workers until 1888) still stands at 169 Frederick Road.
Tag Archives: Edward Gray
“2 Jan. Sunday. An uncommonly fine and mild day – The following Gentlemen din’d with us – Messrs Gray, Lucas, Tenant, S & Jo. Sterrett, Moore & C. Wirgman, afterward Doct. Gibson & Jacob Hollingsworth rode out in the evening I walk’d to Mr Nicols and sat an Hour -“
From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, January 2, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.