Tag Archives: First Baltimore Horse Artillery

7 – Remarkably pleasant day Wind N.W. & Term. only 78. Finish’d hauling up Rye, of which I have a large Crop & in fine order – Din’d at home, & afterwards went to Town and excercised my Men at Artillery Drill in the Riding School, performed tolerably well ~ Rebecca & Maria Peters din’d at Clifton & staid all Night – Had 10 men mowing, making Hay & Stacking – beautiful evening

From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, July 7, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.

4th July – Fine day, Wind S.W. The 3rd Brigade Paraded in Honor of the day, and I join’d with the Horse Artillery, being the first time we have been out, and had a very good Muster, – look’d very well. Mrs. T. & Children, Miss Merony & Sally Stewart rode to Town and we all return’d to Dinner- Commenc’d mowing Orchard – Wm. Hollins call’d for a few minutes

From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, July 4, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.

11 – Clear & cold, hard Frost last night, Went to Town, din’d at S. Sterrets – A meeting of the Horse Artillery at my Counting House to Elect their Officiers, this evening. Haul’d 9 loads of Ice today, which filled the house, containing 54 loads.  Mr. Nicols call’d this evening.

From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, January 11, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.