Tag Archives: Sally Stewart

2 – Very fine mild day – Chas Ridgly & Geo. Howard came out to breakfast & purchas’d some of my Hogs. They also came to Dinner as did Mr. Nicols, Mr. & Mrs. & Fanny Bowly. Afterwards Mrs Hollins, S. Hollins & Sally Stewart call’d & staid only a few minutes – Mrs. Isaac McKim call’d in the morng.

From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, December 2, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.

29th June – Fine Hot day Wind S.E. Went to Town return’d to Dinner – Mrs. T din’d with Mr. Wm. Hollins & return’d home in the evg. with P. Merony & Sally Stewart – Commenc’d reaping Rye & made a Hay Stack in meadow next Mr. Stewarts which is very clear of Weeds, and in excellent Order, no rain upon it ~

From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, June 29, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.

21st June – The fine weather continues – Went to Town, return’d to Dinner, at which we had Mrs. Stewart, Aunt Kitty, Mrs. Fernandis, Sally & Virginia Stewart who all staid Tea – Miss Merony walk’d to Town & in the evg. Miss Betsey Chase rode out with her, the latter return’d –

From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, June 21, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.