Tag Archives: Mrs. Stewart

July 2 – cloudy all day and cool, Wind N.E. Went to Town, return’d to Dinner. Mrs. T. & S. Stewart walk’d to Mr. H. Nicols and drank Tea ~ Mr. Martin rode out in the Evening ~ Had 15 men reaping Cradling & hauling Rye, & finish’d cutting all I have, say about 30 acres, with which we have been lucky, as it has not rain’d since we commenc’d, & all the hirelings behav’d well, & are satisfied, indeed much pleas’d with their treatment –

From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, July 2, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.

27 – Hazy, warm day – Wind S.E. Went to Town, return’d to Dinner, afterwards walk’d to Darley & Mr. Nicols return’d with me to Tea – Mrs. Hollins & Francis rode out & drank Tea – Commenc’d mowing Timothy next to Mrs. Stewarts, a very heavy crop.

From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, June 27, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.

21st June – The fine weather continues – Went to Town, return’d to Dinner, at which we had Mrs. Stewart, Aunt Kitty, Mrs. Fernandis, Sally & Virginia Stewart who all staid Tea – Miss Merony walk’d to Town & in the evg. Miss Betsey Chase rode out with her, the latter return’d –

From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, June 21, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.