Monthly Archives: June 2014

June 15th.
Latt 12° 57′ N., Long 54° 59′ W. At 4 A M saw a sail standing down before the Wind. Hauled on a Wind in chase of her. At 1/2 past 5, she hauled close by the Wind for the Purpose of Cutting vis off. At 8 she hoisted American Ensign and Pennant. At 10 finding we were leaving her fast she gave up the chase, and with a press of Sail stood before the Winds. Being now suspicious of her character, from the Cut of her sails and manner of manouvering, made all sail in chase of her, which we continued until 8PM when we ranged up along side of her and commenced action within Pistol shot for 25 minutes when we were under the necessity of hauling off to repair damages, having our Main Boom shivered by a 32tb Shot, which after striking fell on Board. Several shot about our hull and our rigging much cut. We had 1 man killed, Michael Edwards Fifer, of New York. When in a situation to renew the Action, the Brig was out of sight on our weather quarter.

From the journal of the Privateer Armed Schooner Lawrence, June 15, 1814. Maryland Historical Magazine, Volume 3, Number 2, June 1908, p. 171-176.