Category Archives: Letters

Vice Admiral Cochrane: “Sad Accounts of the death of General Ross has Just reached Me”

Courtesy the Library of Congress,  LC-USZ62-25372
Courtesy the Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-25372

On the evening of September 12, 1814, Vice Admiral Alexander Cochran wrote to Colonel Arthur Brooke with the news that General Robert Ross was struck and killed at the Battle of North Point:

1/2 past Seven Monday Evening [12 September 1814]

Dear Sir

The Sad Accounts of the death of General Ross has Just reached Me— I had written him a few Minutes before by the boats in Bear Creek with a Bird’s Eye View of the fortifications of Baltimore and the New entrenchments I saw them throwing up to the NNE.—of the Town, upon Which a Good Many people are Engaged— It Struck Me that this entrenched Camp may be turned.

Since writing the before going my letter to my poor departed friend is returned. I therefore Send it to you in its Original form—

It is proper for me to Mention to You, that a System of Retaliation was to be proceeded Upon—in Consequence of the Barbarities Committed in Canada—and that if Genl. Ross had Seen the Second letter from Sir George Prevost—he would have destroyed Washington and George Town— Their Nature are perfectly known to Rear Admiral Cockburn and I believe Mr. Evans— In them a kind of Latitude is given for raising Contribution instead of destruction but in this public property Cannot be Compromised.

You will best be able to Judge what can be attempted—but let me know your determination as Soon as possible that I may Act Accordingly

Ever my dear Sir
Yours Sincerely
Alexr Cochrane

The transcript of this letter is re-posted from the Jefferson Patterson Park & Museum and Blog of 1812.

Herman Cope on “the fate of the city decided In 24 hours”

On September 12, 1814, Herman Cope, a merchant at 76 Sharp Street, wrote to his Uncle in Philadelphia and shared the news that his family had fled the city:

As our friends in Philada may feel anxious to hear from us at a moment when all is threatened I avail myself of a few moments before the mail closes to inform thee that all our families have been so fortunate as to meet a conveyance some few miles in the country where I am in hopes they will be safe – our store goods and some household articles are sent out – The British came into the River yesterday – their forces variously … from 30 to 60 sail – the wind … away they anchored about 10 miles … the fort – where they have been landing their men all this morning- the lands force not known. It is supposed an attack will be made by land and water and the fate of the city decided In 24 hours – all the militia have marched.

In haste [then] &c.

Herman Cope

In January, Herman Cope had hoped for peace with Britain in time to import dry-goods to sell in the fall. Clearly his hopes had not been realized.

Courtesy Haverford College Special Collections.
Courtesy Haverford College Special Collections.

Baltimore has “no doubt but that the British are burning the public Buildings at Washington”

View of Baltimore from Chapel Hill, by Francis Guy, American, 1760-1820
View of Baltimore from Chapel Hill (1802-1803), Francis Guy. Brooklyn Museum, Gift of George Dobbin Brown, 41.624.

On the evening of August 24, 1814, residents of Baltimore noticed an unusual glow in the sky to the south. Historian Neil H. Swanson captured the scene in The Perilous Fight, an exceptional account of the Battle of Baltimore:

“The first stain of fire crept up into the sky along toward half past nine. It was no brighter, then, than an afterglow of the hot summer sunset. There were arguments about it. Nine and a half o’clock was late for afterglow, but what else could it be? There’s nothing over there put the Patapsco River; you can’t burn river. All it means that tomorrow will be another scorcher.

The glare increased. The arguments died down. By half past eleven there was no doubt left. A wave of fire more furious than those before it surged into the sky. It beat against the piled-up storm clouds the clouds right as if the wind was in them. From the Bal’more rooftops or even from John Eager Howard’s hilltop beyond the north end of town, a man couldn’t tell for certain which part was smoking which was thunderheads.”

Letters from Bladensburg had started to arrive in the afternoon.  Riders from Captain Henry Thompson’s First Baltimore Horse Artillery operated a horse-telegraph line along the Washington and Baltimore turnpike, with relay riders racing letters north to General John Stricker in Baltimore. James Carroll, Jr., a member of the Maryland militia, and resident of Mt. Clare in today’s Carroll Park arrived at McCoy’s tavern just after midnight with a confirmation of the terrible news:

Aug. 25th. 1814
McCoys Tavern ½ after 12 o’Clock
Thursday Morning.

I left Vanhorns about 8 o’clock when on the Road to McCoys Tavern an hour after I heard two or three heavy Explosions, it was considered by the Company with me as a Renewal of the Engagement but in a little Time a Light appeared in the Horizon in the Direction of the City of Washington which encreased until the Smoke and Flame were distinctly seen this Light continues to encrease to the present Hour & I have no doubt but that the British are burning the public Buildings at Washington.

James Carroll

From the report of several Horseman come in during the night who left our party after the defeat at Bladensburg, it seems they fled mostly on the Montgomery road some stragglers of our army are progressing this way.

R. Patterson

12 ½ o’Clock
Brig. Gen. Stricker, Baltimore

Courtesy NPS/In Full Glory Reflected.
Courtesy NPS/In Full Glory Reflected.


Admiral George Cockburn: “Commodore Barney has again come down with his Flotilla to the Neighbourhood of the Potomac.”

HMS Dragon off Endoume, Marseille, July 24, 1823, courtesy WIkimedia.
HMS Dragon off Endoume, Marseille, July 24, 1823, courtesy WIkimedia.

On May 30, 1814, Rear Admiral George Cockburn wrote to Captain Robert Barrie on board the HMS Dragon with news that the Chesapeake Flotilla was headed down the Bay towards the Potomac. Cockburn asked Barrie to search for the Flotilla and, if he couldn’t find it, to instead “do any Mischief on either Side of the Potomac which you may find within your Power.”

30 May 1814

My dear Sir

Subsequent to our Conversation of last Night I have received Intelligence that Commodore Barney has again come down with his Flotilla to the Neighbourhood of the Potomac.

The Man who brings the Information states that he saw him the Day before yesterday a few Miles to the Northward of the Cape Lookout— I therefore send You the Auxiliary Force I before intended, but I must beg of you to make use of it to the Northward instead of the Southward by sending it with your own Boats, Tender & ca. to examine St. Jerome’s Creek & to the Patuxent, and covering them at such Distance as you may judge advisable with the Dragon, taking also to your Assistance the St. Lawrence if on communicating with her Commander you find so employing her will not be likely to clash with Promises or Arrangements made with the Blacks landed from her the other Day.

Should you neither gain Information nor see anything of the American Flotilla in or on this Side of the Patuxent, I would have you cause St. Mary’s & Yeucomoco to be looked into, & you may do any Mischief on either Side of the Potomac which you may find within your Power, if this Information which I have received turn out to be incorrect, I can only say in your Operations to the Northward of Point Look out or to the Westward of it, You will consider yourself at full Liberty to act as Circumstances may point out to You as being most advisable for the Service.

The high Confidence I have in your Zeal and Abilities assuring me that I cannot do better than Point out to You the Object, and leave the Rest to your Management, but should you not be able to annoy the Enemy in that Direction we will still hold in View our intended Attack on Cherrystone Creek and perhaps a further Attempt on the other Side opposite to it. The Jaseur has taken another Schooner loaded with Salt Fish, she is gone up to the upper Part of the Bay near Hooper’s Straights— What Capt. Watts has in View I know not.

Let me hear from you as occasion may offer. I am Dr. Sir With much Truth

Yours most faithfully
G. C.-

This letter is cross-posted from the Blog of 1812 courtesy the Jefferson Patterson Park & Museum.

Joshua Barney: “The Enemy left the Potomac on the 30th… and carried off upwards of 100 Negroes”

On May 11, 1814, Joshua Barney wrote to Secretary of the Navy William Jones with remarks on the challenges of keeping bread dry on board leaking boats and caring for sick sailors. News of Admiral Alexander Cochrane’s proclamation on April 2, encouraging enslaved people to escape from bondage and join the British forces, had clearly spread. In his letter, Barney shares reports of hundreds of black people who (with some assistance from the British raids on coastal communities) had already arrived at Tangier Island.

Baltimore May 11th 1814


Since mine of the 4th Instant from Patuxent, I have been with the flotilla to Potomac, where I remained part of Sunday & Monday last.

I sent into St. Mary’s to obtain information of the Asp but without effect, I then concluded to send my “look-out-boat” up the Potomac to join her if possible, and to remain with her until she got up the Bay.

Previous to my leaving Patuxent I sent Gunboat 137 to Baltimore for Provisions with orders to follow me down to Patuxent; when at Potomac I found my provisions nearly expended I determined to run up the bay in hopes of meeting the Gunboat, knowing that so long as the wind was from the Southward she could not get down, nor could I get up with the flotilla with the wind from the Northward; on my arrival in Patuxent I found she was not there, which compelled me to proceed further up, and yesterday I met her just below Annapolis, the Weather being bad I continued up and arrived here at 5 PM, which was very lucky as we have had a terrible night.

On examining the Bread put onboard the Gun-boat I found a great quantity has been wet by leaks in her deck, which Obliges me to take everything out and to have her caulked, before she can serve again; indeed Sir, she and No. 138 are both such miserable tools I do not know what to do with them, they cannot carry anything more than their own Armament, as 3500 lb. Bread [filled] bags filled her, the salt provision on deck where their men were obliged to sleep, and they sail so bad, that I am afraid to trust them out of my sight ahead or astern. I had to take everything out of the Barges of the 2d Class, even their shot (except 15 rounds) and put it into the large boats; In going down, and whilst laying off point look out at anchor, I was very near losing them, as they took in great quantities of Water; to remedy which, I have concluded to have Wash-boards put round them about 8 Inches high, which will keep out the water and of course make them more safe, I am Obliged to do this as the men are very unwilling to remain in them in their present state;

Could I have a vessel to carry provisions, to receive the Sick, and to put the Doctor and his Medicines on-board, it would be a great relief, as I found great Inconvenience respecting the sick when down, as there is no place on board the Barges for them, and the exposed situation of the men, causes sickness, more or less daily, indeed we must expect 20 or 30 always on the list, out of Six hundred men, in such a service, of this you can judge as well as myself.

The Enemy left the Potomac on the 30th Ulto, the last vessel being a large schooner, and carried off upwards of 100 Negroes, onboard the Dragon 74; they now lay at, and about Wats Island in the Tangier sound, and in the Bay below Smiths point. I suppose they got information of the flotilla from the Russian Secretary as we lay in the mouth of Patuxent when the flag went down and she was spoken by my look out boats, (Galley & pilot boat). Mr. Skinner informs me that the Admiral and also the Captain of the Dragon enquired where I was, & said, they had heard of me, they also took a schooner which went with me down as far as Patuxent; I got the same information from a gentleman who had been landed at Point look out, who also says, they have a fort of 17 Guns on Wats Island where they have their sick etc. and about 300 negroes, Men, Women & children, that the Admiral was much onshore fishing and amusing himself.

I shall get ready again without loss of time to proceed down, or as you may direct.

And am with respect your Obt. Servant
Joshua Barney

This letter from Joshua Barney to Secretary of the Navy William Jones is cross-posted from the Blog of 1812 courtesy the Jefferson Patterson Park & Museum.

Robert Mills awarded the “premium for the best design of a monument” by the Board of Managers of the Washington Monument

Thanks to Lance Humphries with the Mount Vernon Place Conservancy for sharing today’s update on Baltimore’s Washington Monument.

74S1042B.jpgOn May 2, 1814 the Board of Managers of the Washington Monument informed architect Robert Mills that his design for the city’s planned memorial to George Washington had been selected. As the monument was the first one in the country to honor America’s first president, the board was particularly pleased that this honor could go to an American architect, a realization that the new nation was becoming cultural independent from the “Old World,” as they had declared they were politically in 1776.

Robert Gilmor and Isaac McKim were tasked by the Board of Managers to send Mills the official letter sharing the news:

Baltimore 2d May 1814

At a meeting of the Managers of the Washington Monument thisday,agreeably to notice, to award the premium for the best design of a monument, the one furnished by you received the approbation of the board, & we as members of the corresponding committee are directed to communicate this information, & that your [draft] on Mr. Eli Simkins, their Secretary for five hundreds dollars (being the amount of the premium) will be paid at sight.

Agreeably to the terms of the public notice, should you have committed to you the execution of your plan, the amount of the premium will be deducted from your Commission or contract, as the adoption of your design is presumed to be a sufficient compensation for what you have already done.

Your mo. ob. s
R.Mills,Esq. IsaacM’Kim

Drawing from Robert Mills' "Book of Designs"The design was not quite final, however, as Mills’ complex design (with many levels and tiers of inscriptions documenting the history of Washington’s life) posed some initial concerns. The height of the column worried those who lived on its intended location (at today’s Monument Square) that it might be “overturned by some shock, owing to its great elevation.” Others feared that the monument might be too expensive. These concerns continued to shape the design and location before the city laid the cornerstone to the Washington Monument on July 4, 1815.

Source: Robert Gilmor, Jr., Board of Managers of the Washington Monument, to Robert Mills, May 2, 1814, Richard X. Evans Collection, Special Collections Division, Georgetown University Library, Washington.

Joshua Barney: “Second rate Barges are unsafe, as they took in much water, and swim too deep”

On May 1, 1814, Joshua Barney wrote to William Jones with reports from the Patuxent. The Chesapeake Flotilla’s “look-out boat” had spotted British ships on the Potomac and the Chesapeake Flotilla struggled with their “Second rate Barges.”

Patuxent May 1st 1814


This morning I left the Patapsco with the Vessels mentioned to you in mine of the 29th. Arrived here at 4 P M, I shall send over land in the morning to “point look-out,” for information respecting the Enemy; I am informed here, that a ship and two or three Schooners lay in the Potomac two days ago; my look-out boat is still below me, and I expect to hear from her tomorrow;

The information I shall receive from Point look out, will determine my movements; I shall be delayed here a day, to get a Mast for one of the Barges, which was carried away coming down, we had a fresh gale down, the Second rate Barges are unsafe, as they took in much water, and swim too deep, although I have lightened them very much since I was at Annapolis, by changing the 18 pounder for a 12, and having but a few days provision & water onboard,

I am Sir with respect your Obt. Servt.
Joshua Barney

This letter from Joshua Barney to Secretary of the Navy William Jones is cross-posted from the Blog of 1812 courtesy the Jefferson Patterson Park & Museum.

Joshua Barney: “Yesterday I left Baltimore, with the Scorpion, two gun boats, and twelve Barges, to proceed down the Bay”

Commodore Joshua Barney, Oil on canvas by Rembrandt Peale, ca. 1817. Maryland Historical Society, CA682.
Commodore Joshua Barney, Oil on canvas by Rembrandt Peale, ca. 1817. Maryland Historical Society, CA682.

On April 29, 1814, Joshua Barney wrote to William Jones with the news of his departure from Baltimore:

At Anchor, at Mouth of Patapsco 29th April 1814


Yesterday I left Baltimore, with the Scorpion, two gun boats, and twelve Barges, to proceed down the Bay, with a view of “Convoying” the Asp from Potomac. The wind from SSE has detained us. On Monday last I sent down the Look-out boat with the Galley. The Galley has just returned and informs me, that there are two Ships and several smaller vessels of the Enemy in the Potomac; I shall proceed down with a change of wind and be guided by circumstances.

I cannot remain long as we are unable to carry more than twelve days of provisions, The Asp not being with me, nor the lookout boat, and it is impossible to put provisions, other than Salt, onboard the gunboats. They have no hold or place to put Bread, which is very bulky, nor dare I trust Liquors, or small stores among the Crews of Any, but I will do the best I can.

The lookout boat remains below to watch the movements of the Enemy.

I have left Mr. Rutter to superintend the Service in Baltimore, and have Mr. Frazier with me. I am with respect
Your Obedient Servant

Joshua Barney

This letter from Joshua Barney to Secretary of the Navy William Jones is cross-posted from the Blog of 1812 courtesy the Jefferson Patterson Park & Museum.

On April 26, 1814, Secretary of the Navy William Jones promoted Acting Master Commandant Joshua Barney to the rank of Captain, writing:

“…Herewith you will receive a commission from the president as Captain in the Flotilla Service of the United States. You will be entitled to seventy five dollars per month and six rations per day, being the pay and subsistence of a Captain in the Navy commanding a ship of 20 and under 32 guns, and governed by the rules and regulations provided for the government of the Navy…”

Cross-posted from the Blog of 1812 courtesy the Jefferson Patterson Park & Museum.

Thomas Jefferson to Postmaster Charles Burral: “no one whose conduct has been so rational and dutiful as yours ever had, or has now any cause to fear”

Monticello Mar. 16. 14.

Dear Sir

Your favor of the 7th was recieved by our last mail and I have, by it’s return written to the President, bearing testimony with pleasure to the merit of your conduct and character through every stage of my acquaintance with them. no one whose conduct has been so rational and dutiful as yours ever had, or has now any cause to fear. those only who use the influence of their office to thwart & defeat the measures of the government under whom they act, are proper subjects of it’s animadversion, on the common principle that a house divided against itself must fall. you were faithful, as you ought to have been to the administration under which you were appointed, & you were so to that which succeeded it. be assured you have nothing to fear under so reasonable and just a character as the President. I am happy in having been furnished with an occasion of proving my readiness to be useful to you, and of manifesting my esteem for merit and respect for honest opinions when acted on correctly; and I pray you to accept the assurance of my friendly attachment.

Th: Jefferson

On March 16, 1814, Thomas Jefferson sent his reply to Baltimore Postmaster Charles Burrall’s letter from March 6. Jefferson’s biblical reference “a house divided against itself must fall” comes from Matthew 12.25.

Learn more about Charles Burrall and the politics around his position as Baltimore Postmaster in our original post about the correspondence.