10th – Weather continues very fine, went to Town, din’d at Gen. Ridgleys. Our Son Charles unwell for 2 or 3 days
From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, November 10, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.
10th – Weather continues very fine, went to Town, din’d at Gen. Ridgleys. Our Son Charles unwell for 2 or 3 days
From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, November 10, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.
9th Fine day, went to work with my Troop at the Entrenchments, where they perform’d very well & cheerfully near the Sugar House –
From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, November 9, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.
8th – Very fine day, went to Town, and from thence to Govances Town Races, return’d to dinner at Mrs. Wests –
From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, November 8, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.
7 Nov. – Rain all last Night and part of this day, clear’d towards evening with wind at N.W. – Went to Town din’d at Mrs. Wests
From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, November 7, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.
6th Sunday , Cloudy morning, went to Town, thence to D.A. Smiths & return’d home to dinner, afterwrds rode to Furley & the meadows, rec. three blood Mares from D.A. Smith to keep all Winter on Shares-
From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, November 6, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.
4th – Rain’d nearly all day – Wind N.E. Went to Town, din’d at S. Steretts. Our three eldest Sons went to Town this evening will sleep at S. Steretts & return to Hagers Town Academy by Stage tomorrow, Sam at home this Winter – 5th – Cloudy all day but no Rain – Went to Town, din’d at Mrs. Wests
From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, November 4, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.
3rd – Commenc’d raining at Sunrise & continued nearly all day, Wind S.E. Went to Town, return’d to Dinner – James Fitzhugh arriv’d this evening to live with me as an Apprentice – Recd. a Horse from Major Lewis
From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, November 3, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.
2nd Very fine day, went to Town, and from thence to Govanes Town Races, din’d with the Club at Buffums and return’d home before Sunsett
From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, November 2, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.
Nov. 1st – Fine day, went to Town, and return’d to Dinner, Mrs. Peters and three daughters visited us & staid Tea –
From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, November 1, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.