Category Archives: Baltimore at Sea

July 13.
Running down to Leward, on the North side of the Island, spoke the Sweedish Ship Creole, Bergman, Master, from Messina to the Havanna. Cargo, Wine, Oil &c &c. All day in sight of the Island. 14th. All this day in sight of St Domingo. At noon Old Cape Francois bore W B S 5 leagues.

From the journal of the Privateer Armed Schooner Lawrence, July 13, 1814. Maryland Historical Magazine, Volume 3, Number 2, June 1908, p. 171-176.

July 13 ..
The first part of these 24 hours commences with light winds and clear weather. At Midnight light winds from the Westward. Set the Foresail. Middle part light breezes and clear weather.

Latter part fresh breezes and cloudy weather. At 7 AM took in the Main Top sail, the second reef in the Mainsail. At 9 AM let one reef out of the Fore Top sail.

From the Schooner Mammoth Logs, 1814. MS 3082, H. Furlong Baldwin Library, Maryland Historical Society.

July 12,
The first half of these 24 hours commences with light winds and cloudy weather. At 2 PM got out the Boat and stopped the shot hole in the Starboard quarter; Sent down the Main Topsail repaired it and sent it up again, lying too, at 8 PM. Filled away and reefed the Fore Topsail.

Middle part fresh breezes and squally with rain.

Latter part fresh breezes and clear weather. at 9 AM set the Foresail. People employed doing ships duty.

From the Schooner Mammoth Logs, 1814. MS 3082, H. Furlong Baldwin Library, Maryland Historical Society.

on July 11th
These 24 hours commences with moderate Breezes and cloudy weather. At 30 minutes past 4 PM saw a sail bearing NE. Made sail in chase and cleared ship for action. At 5 PM the ship hoisted English Colors. At 6PM gave her a gun which was immediately returned, and we commenced the action and continued firing for 35 minutes when two of the Brickings of the guns gave way. And the wind being so light we could get along side of her. So concluded to haul off as it was nearly dark and lay by her until the morning. Mr. Cole prize master was accidentally wounded in the leg by the recoiling of the guns. We received a shot through the Starboard quarter, and the Main Topmast sounded below the width of the Mainmast head, and some of the small rigging shot away. Expended 40 cartridges. At 10 PM the wind light and a smooth sea. the ship bearing SSW ¾ of a mile dist. All hands employed in repairing the (mast?). At 6 PM bore up for him. At 10 came alongside of the ship within musket shot, when we perceived him to a transport full of troops. Thought it best to leave him. Tacked ship and gave him a raking Broadside of great guns and musketry while in stays which was returned by the Enemy but did us no damage.

From the Schooner Mammoth Logs, 1814. MS 3082, H. Furlong Baldwin Library, Maryland Historical Society.

10th July
The first part of these 24 hours commences with fine breezes and clear weather. At 6 PM took in the Top Gallensails.

Middle part Same. At 1 AM handed the Main Topsail and took one reef in the Fore Topsail. At 2 Bailed up the Foresail.

Latter part pleasant breezes and fine weather.

From the Schooner Mammoth Logs, 1814. MS 3082, H. Furlong Baldwin Library, Maryland Historical Society.

on 9th of July,
The first part of these 24 hours. Pleasant breezes and clear weather. At 12 AM set the Squaresail, F. Top mast Studding sail and Lower Studdingsail. At 4 PM called all hands to quarters to exercise [?]. at 8 PM took in the Squaresail and studdingsail, and set the main Topsail.

Middle part pleasant breezes and foggy weather. At 3 AM the throat halliards of the main sail gave way. Took in the mainsail and [?] the halliards again.

Latter part more clear.

From the Schooner Mammoth Logs, 1814. MS 3082, H. Furlong Baldwin Library, Maryland Historical Society.

on July 8,
These 24 hours commences with moderate breezes and a thick fog. at 4 PM called all hands to quarters to Exercise [&] at 8 PM took in the Main Topsail, and one reef in the Fore Topsail.

Middle part variable weather with light rain. At 1 AM took the second reef in the Fore Topsail- Latter part Same.

From the Schooner Mammoth Logs, 1814. MS 3082, H. Furlong Baldwin Library, Maryland Historical Society.

on July 7,
The first half of these 24 hours with variable winds and foggy weather. At 6 PM took one reef in the Fore Topsail. Inspected the cartridges of the guns. found them all in good order. Middle part foggy weather. Latter part more clear, made and took in sail accordingly.

From the Schooner Mammoth Logs, 1814. MS 3082, H. Furlong Baldwin Library, Maryland Historical Society.

July 6.
Latt 22° 48′ N, Long 64° 58′ W, Saw a sail standing to the south’d. Went in chase of her. At 10 made her out to be a Frigate hauld on a Wind, when she made all sail in chase of us, which continued untill 5PM when we lose sight of her from Deck.

From the journal of the Privateer Armed Schooner Lawrence, July 6, 1814. Maryland Historical Magazine, Volume 3, Number 2, June 1908, p. 171-176.