Category Archives: Baltimore at Sea

Sept. 17th
These 24 hours commences with fresh Gales and cloudy. At 8 PM light breezes & a heavy sea, at 10 nearly calm, split the Mainsail, got it down & the sail makers to work repairing it, at Midnight got it mended & up again.

Middle part fresh gales and a heavy sea, as before.

Latter part more moderate but a heavy head sea on, got a good observation.

From the Schooner Mammoth Logs, 1814. MS 3082, H. Furlong Baldwin Library, Maryland Historical Society.

Sept. 16th
These 24 hours commences with fresh gales and squally, at 4 PM wove ship, at 15 minutes past 4 pitched away the Flying Jib Boom. Wove ship immediately to clear the wreck of the Boom, hove too, and saved the Jib. (uncl. Abbreviation)

Middle part same as first.

Latter part same, watch employed in getting a F. Jib Boom out. At 12 got the Flying Jib Boom out & and sail bent and wove ship & made sail head. WNW.

From the Schooner Mammoth Logs, 1814. MS 3082, H. Furlong Baldwin Library, Maryland Historical Society.

Sept. 15th
These 24 hours commences light winds and calm, at 1 PM bend the Fore Topsail & filled away, head. as p.log.

Middle part fresh gales & a rough sea, took in sail as occasion required.

Latter part same, at 4:30 saw a Brig on our weather Bear which immediately gave chase. Made sail from him. At 10 could not see anything of him.

From the Schooner Mammoth Logs, 1814. MS 3082, H. Furlong Baldwin Library, Maryland Historical Society.

Sept. 13th
These 24 hours commences with fresh Breeze and clear Weather. At 3 PM came up with and captured the British Schooner Rapid (formerly of Baltimore.) Tha. Dodd Master, from New Foundland bound to Lisbon, with a Cargo of Fish. took out several small articles dismantled and burnt her, at 9 PM got through with the Rapid and filled away head as p. log.

Middle and latter part fresh breezes and cloudy weather. Nothing in sight. Hands employed in repairing Rigging

From the Schooner Mammoth Logs, 1814. MS 3082, H. Furlong Baldwin Library, Maryland Historical Society.

Sept. 12th
These 24 hours commences with light winds and cloudy. At 2 PM boarded the Dutch Dogger Young Jela, Handerschace master from Cadiz bound to Rotterdam. Cargo Wine.

Middle part moderate and cloudy.

Latter part clear. At 11 AM saw a sail, made sail in chase, at 12 coming up with her very fast.

From the Schooner Mammoth Logs, 1814. MS 3082, H. Furlong Baldwin Library, Maryland Historical Society.