Category Archives: Privateers
May 24th.
May 24th. Captured and Burnt the English Schooner Duke of York of 4 Guns from London to Oratavo in ballast.
From the journal of the Privateer Armed Schooner Lawrence, May 24, 1814. Maryland Historical Magazine, Volume 3, Number 2, June 1908, p. 171-176.
May 22d.
May 22d. In sight of Teneriffe. Boarded the Sweedish Brig Saint Bartholemews, Chalmers, Master, from Gothenburg to St Barts. Cargo, Dry Goods, Glass, Paints, Cordage &c Let her pass.
From the journal of the Privateer Armed Schooner Lawrence, May 22, 1814. Maryland Historical Magazine, Volume 3, Number 2, June 1908, p. 171-176.
May 19th.
Captured the English Brig Ann, Anderson, Master, from Oratavo to Lanzarotte. Cargo, Wine. Manned her for the HS.
From the journal of the Privateer Armed Schooner Lawrence, May 19, 1814. Maryland Historical Magazine, Volume 3, Number 2, June 1908, p. 171-176.
May 18th.
Made Teneriffe.
From the journal of the Privateer Armed Schooner Lawrence, May 18, 1814. Maryland Historical Magazine, Volume 3, Number 2, June 1908, p. 171-176.
May the 15.
Made the Madeiras.
From the journal of the Privateer Armed Schooner Lawrence, May 15, 1814. Maryland Historical Magazine, Volume 3, Number 2, June 1908, p. 171-176.
May 11th.
Latt 36° 34′ N, Long 18° 22′ W. Spoke the Yankee of Bristol, out 49 days had taken nothing.
From the journal of the Privateer Armed Schooner Lawrence, May 11, 1814. Maryland Historical Magazine, Volume 3, Number 2, June 1908, p. 171-176.
May 9th.
Latt 39° 13′ N., Long 14° 23′ W. Captured the English Brig Hope, Strang, Master, from Teneriffe to London. Cargo, Wine Barilla & Orchilla. Manned her for the US.
From the journal of the Privateer Armed Schooner Lawrence, May 9, 1814. Maryland Historical Magazine, Volume 3, Number 2, June 1908, p. 171-176.
May 6th.
Latt 40° 28′ N., Long 15° 2′ W. Spoke the Surprize, Cathera, of Baltimore. Had taken 2 Prizes.
From the journal of the Privateer Armed Schooner Lawrence, May 6, 1814. Maryland Historical Magazine, Volume 3, Number 2, June 1908, p. 171-176.
May 3d.
Latt 45° 49′ N., Long 14° 39′ W. At half past 10 P M found ourselves along side of a Frigate; at the same time could see her lights through her Ports. Immediately Haul’d on a Wind and in a very short time lost sight of her. We were 41 days cruising from Latt 40° 43′ to 51° CO’, occasionally making the Land, from Skillings to Cape Clear, and went as far up the Channel as the Nymph’s Bank.
From the journal of the Privateer Armed Schooner Lawrence, May 3, 1814. Maryland Historical Magazine, Volume 3, Number 2, June 1908, p. 171-176.