Category Archives: Privateers

May 2d.
Latt 48° 5′ N, Long 14° 55′ W. At 3PM lost sight of the Chaser, Half past 4AM saw a sail standing to the North’d. Went in chase of her, which continued untill 10, when we were within Gunshot, gave her our three larboard Bow Guns, She hoisted Portuguese Colors and rounded to. Boarded her, she proved to be the Portuguese Brig of War Baloa from Rio Janeiro to Falmouth with Despatches for the Portuguese Minister at the Court of St James. Examined her papers & let her Pass.

From the journal of the Privateer Armed Schooner Lawrence, May 2, 1814. Maryland Historical Magazine, Volume 3, Number 2, June 1908, p. 171-176.

May 1st.
Latt 50 17 N., Long 10° 55′ W. At 4 A M saw a sail to the East’d. It being calm, out sweeps and swept for her. At 9 made her out to be a Man of War Brig. At 10 a breeze sprang up, when she made ail sail in chase of us. At the Same time we backed and stood from her, when she commenced firing at us. At Noon we had her courses down.

From the journal of the Privateer Armed Schooner Lawrence, May 1, 1814. Maryland Historical Magazine, Volume 3, Number 2, June 1908, p. 171-176.

Ap. 28th
Latt 51° 7′ N., Long 12 29 W. Captured Brig Edward, Phillips, Master from Cork to Limerick, Cargo Flaxseed, Steel &c hove the Flaxseed over board, took out the other Articles, and gave Vessel up as a cartel to the Prisoners on board, 28 in number.

From the journal of the Privateer Armed Schooner Lawrence, April 28, 1814. Maryland Historical Magazine, Volume 3, Number 2, June 1908, p. 171-176.

Ap. 21st
Latt 50° 45′ N, Long 11° 30′. Boarded Portugese Ship Rosario for the Brazils bound to Liverpool. With the Captains Consent put on board of her 19 Prisoners, with a Sufficiency of Provissions & let her proceed. Same day captured the English Brig Pelican, Smith Master, from Bermuda to Liverpool. Cargo, Sugar Cotton & Logwood. Manned her for France.

From the journal of the Privateer Armed Schooner Lawrence, April 21, 1814. Maryland Historical Magazine, Volume 3, Number 2, June 1908, p. 171-176.