Category Archives: Privateers

September 1st
These 24 hours commences with light Breezes and pleasant weather, at 8 PM boarded the Portuguese Schooner [?] Domingo, from St. Michaels bound to Lisbon, cargo [?], at 9:30 filled away head. as per log.

Latter part calm. Watch employed repairing sails [?]

From the Schooner Mammoth Logs, 1814. MS 3082, H. Furlong Baldwin Library, Maryland Historical Society.

August 30th
These 24 hours commences with fresh Breezes and a heavy sea. At 3 PM spoke the French Brig la Diligence from Marsailles, bound to St. Petersburg. Cargo wind. At 5 PM saw a sail from the Masthead, made sail in chase. We could not come up with him before dark, so left him in sight during the night. Several times he made lights in different forms. And we saw several things floating past. At 6 AM made all sail in chase. Passed a Brig with French colors flying. At 9:30 AM the chase cut away his stern boat and knocked away the stern of the vessel to get his stern chasers to bear upon us at 10:30 hoisted our colors and commenced firing, which he returned and the Action lasted 50 minutes, when finding he sailed so fast by knowing him to be a Packet thought it best to leaf him.
Expended 58 cartridges.

From the Schooner Mammoth Logs, 1814. MS 3082, H. Furlong Baldwin Library, Maryland Historical Society.

August 27
These 24 hours commences with moderate Breezes and hazy weather. At 6 PM got through with the Brig. Saw a sail bearing S & E. Made sail in chase. At 8 PM came up with and captured the Russian Ketch Gute Gisellschaft. Capt. Brinkman, from Lisbon bound to Plymouth (Eng.) cargo government store, for the British (Bread & Flour). Hove a great part of the cargo overboard and gave the Neptal up. Latter part hands employed in ships duty.

From the Schooner Mammoth Logs, 1814. MS 3082, H. Furlong Baldwin Library, Maryland Historical Society.

Aug. 26th
Commences fresh Breezes & cloudy. At 2 PM boarded a Swedish Brig from Cadiz bound to Hamburg, cargo Sugar & cotton. At 4 PM saw a large fleet steering on a wind to the Eastward, several men of war in company. At 8 PM hove to. At 2 AM wove ship and stood to the Eastward. At 5 AM saw a sail from the Masthead. Made sail in chase. At 10 came up with & captured the British Brig Sir [?] Popham Clements master from Lisbon bound to London, cargo Oranges & Lemons & Onions. Took a few of them out, and as she belonged totally to the Master of her gave her up to him.

From the Schooner Mammoth Logs, 1814. MS 3082, H. Furlong Baldwin Library, Maryland Historical Society.

August 25
The first of these 24 hours commences with fresh Breezes and thick Weather. At 3 PM saw a sail standing to the N & Eastward. At 6 PM saw two more sail standing to the N & Eastward but it being nearly dark and blowing very fresh could not see what they were.

Middle and latter part fresh Breezes and hazy weather. At 10 AM saw a sail standing to the N & Eastward. Made sail in chase

From the Schooner Mammoth Logs, 1814. MS 3082, H. Furlong Baldwin Library, Maryland Historical Society.

August 24th
The first part of these 24 hours commences with moderate weather. at 4 PM saw a sail to windward. Made sail in chase. at 4:30 saw a sail on the lee Bow. at 5 made her out to be a man of war Brig, who immediately gave chase. At 8 had run her out of sight. At 7 AM saw a sail from the Masthead bearing WSW. Made sail in chase. At 8 made her out to be a ship standing to the Eastward, at 10 AM wove ship & stood [?] for him and hoisted English Colors, when he hoisted the Bourbon Flag. The sea so heavy could not board him. Wove ship to the Westward.

From the Schooner Mammoth Logs, 1814. MS 3082, H. Furlong Baldwin Library, Maryland Historical Society.

August 23
These 24 hours commences with fresh Gales, and thick rainy Weather. At 4 PM more clear could not see anything of the Brigs. At 8 PM let one reef out of the Foretopsail, and set the Main topsail.

Middle and latter part, fresh Breezes and clear Weather, accompanied with light Squalls. Watch employed, getting things to rights.

From the Schooner Mammoth Logs, 1814. MS 3082, H. Furlong Baldwin Library, Maryland Historical Society.