Daily Archives: September 11, 2014

Rec. information that the British have several Ships coming up the Bay, and during the day upwards of 30 arriv’d at the mouth of our River, went to Town, din’d at Mrs. Wests in great haste, for the alarm Guns were Fir’d at one O’Clock, and the whole Brigade was immediately under Arms, and March’d towards North Point, my Troop was order’d to attend Gen Smith —

From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, September 11, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.

Sept. 11th
These 24 hours commences with light breezes and pleasant weather, nothing in sight.

Middle part light breezes and moderate with rain.

Latter part moderate with rain. At 5 AM saw a large fleet, steering to the Northward, under convoy of two Frigates and several sloops of war.

From the Schooner Mammoth Logs, 1814. MS 3082, H. Furlong Baldwin Library, Maryland Historical Society.