Tag Archives: mowing

7 – Remarkably pleasant day Wind N.W. & Term. only 78. Finish’d hauling up Rye, of which I have a large Crop & in fine order – Din’d at home, & afterwards went to Town and excercised my Men at Artillery Drill in the Riding School, performed tolerably well ~ Rebecca & Maria Peters din’d at Clifton & staid all Night – Had 10 men mowing, making Hay & Stacking – beautiful evening

From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, July 7, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.

15th June – A fine clear day, and the first we have had for a long time, Wind N. Went to Town, return’d to Dinner & brought out Miss Meroney ~ Busy curing Clover, which I find very little injur’d by the late Rains, having been left in the Swarth – Rode over to the Meadows having 6 Men mowing Clover ~

From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, June 15, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.