Tag Archives: Samuel Sterett

6th Sunday – Very fine day, Wind West and Snow all melted by 12 O’Clock. Went to Church Doct Kemp preach’d Mrs. Hu Thompsons Funeral Sermon & from thence with Mr. S. Sterett to dine with D.A. Smith, no other company return’d Home early

From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, March 6, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.

2nd Mar – Rather more mild today, and the Wind Lo, but chang’d in the evening to N.W. and blew very fresh ~ Had the following Gentmn. to Dine with Col Fitzhugh – Col Hall, Mr. Nicols, S & Jo. & Jas. Sterett, Alex. Brown, C. & P. Wirgman, Genl. Ridgely, in the evg. Dan Fitzhugh came out and staid all night with his Father

From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, March 2, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.