26th June
These 24 hours fresh gales and running weather, at 3 PM made the wreck of a vessel to windward, tacked ship and stood to them. At 4 PM got the boat out and boarded her. She was the sloop [Furmer?] of New York bound to Newport and had been captured by the Liverpool Packet , and had a Prize Master and [?] men on board besides. Mr. Charles Chipman with a wife and Eight children and Hanz Hanzun, a swede put on board of the sloop from a Swedish vessel the Liverpool packet has taken and a Mr. [L?] Delano, American. The sloop was taken in the night. And it blowing fresh. Mr. Chipman thought it best for himself and family to remain on board and go to and to get on to Eastport. At 5 PM left the sloop in a sinking condition. Ends moderate.

From the Schooner Mammoth Logs, 1814. MS 3082, H. Furlong Baldwin Library, Maryland Historical Society.

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