Category Archives: Baltimore

21st June – The fine weather continues – Went to Town, return’d to Dinner, at which we had Mrs. Stewart, Aunt Kitty, Mrs. Fernandis, Sally & Virginia Stewart who all staid Tea – Miss Merony walk’d to Town & in the evg. Miss Betsey Chase rode out with her, the latter return’d –

From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, June 21, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.

18 – Very beautiful day, indeed the most so of any we have had this summer, with an appearance of its continuance ~ Took all hands to the Meadows, made a Stack of fine clover, from thence to Town, came home to dinner & again over to the Meadows, had ten hands at work & did well – Mrs. T walked to Mr. Steretts in the forenoon & to Mr. Peters in the Evg.

From the journal of Captain Henry Thompson, June 18, 1814. Courtesy the Friends of Clifton.