Daily Archives: April 18, 2014

Joshua Barney: “I shall return to Baltimore in the Morning, as three of the Barges, has Twisted off the head of their Rudders”

On April 18, 1814, Acting Master Commandant Joshua Barney with the Chesapeake Flotilla wrote to the Secretary of the Navy Williams Jones:

Off Annapolis. April 18th 1814


Yesterday I left Baltimore with ten Barges, Scorpion, Galley & Gunboat 138. We had fresh Winds, I find the 2d class does not answer well; they shipped much water and are dangerous in anything of a Sea.

The Enemy (by information from a Craft this morning) was off Piankitank two days ago, having gone down the Bay, unless some of them were up Potomac, which he could not see.

I shall return to Baltimore in the Morning, as three of the Barges, has Twisted off the head of their Rudders, they will require Rudders of more depth— I hope very shortly to be in a situation to resume my Station.

The remainder of my Barges are fitting at Baltimore under Mr. Rutter. We still continue to pick up
men. I hope to man two more boats in a few days—

I am respectfully your Obt. Servt.

Joshua Barney

Thanks again to the Blog of 1812 for sharing these transcripts of Joshua Barney’s correspondence and helping us highlight the story of the Chesapeake Flotilla.

Medicine bottle from War of 1812 shipwreck, August 2011. Courtesy Maryland SHA.

April 18th
Latitude 35, 43 Longitude 1, 30, captured the British ship London Packer, mounting 19 guns, and schooner Melpomene, mounting 6 guns, in company, from Gibraltar to Brazil with a cargoes of wine, brandy and corks. They at first indicated by their maneuvers a disposition to resist, but surrendered without firing a shot.

From the journal of the Chasseur, excerpted in Baltimore American, June 2, 1814. Maryland Historical Society.