Advertisement: New Invented & Patented LOOM American Commercial and Daily Advertiser, February 25, 1814 Learn more about the invention of the power looms and the growth of industrial textile production in early Baltimore.
Advertisement: An Elegant Assortment of the newest Spring and Summer Fashions American Commercial and Daily Advertiser, February 22, 1814
Advertisement: Histrionic Divertisement At Mr. Brunelot’s Assembly Room American Commercial and Daily Advertiser, February 19, 1814
Advertisement: The Members of the Typographical Association are requested to attend American Commercial and Daily Advertiser, February 18, 1814
Advertisement: Mr. Ogilvie will deliver… an oration, entitled “The Rostrum” American Commercial and Daily Advertiser, February 16, 1814
Advertisement: Brigade Orders… fire three rounds in honor of the day that gave to America the much revered and Immortal Washington American Commercial and Daily Advertiser, February 16, 1814
Advertisement: To Contractors… for digging and making about 1 mile of a Mill Race American Commercial and Daily Advertiser, February 15, 1814
Advertisement: To be Rented at reduced Rent, And possession given immediately American Commercial and Daily Advertiser, February 14, 1814
Advertisement: Washington Cotton Manufacturing Co. will receive proposals for building a Stone Manufactory February 12, 2014Advertisements, Baltimore, Industry & Inventioncarpenters, Isaac Burneston, Jones Falls, masons, Washington Cotton Manufacturing CompanyBaltimore Heritage American Commercial and Daily Advertiser, February 12, 1814