On September 14, 1814 at 8:00am, the members of the Commitee of Vigilance and Safety met to review a protest by a local resident and a plea from Major George Armistead at Fort McHenry:
Baltimore 14th September 1814
The Committee of Vigilance and Safety met pursuant to adjournment— The proceedings of yesterday were read—
Mr. David Willie came before the committee complained that his waggon and team had been pressed and prayed that it [be] released— The committee took the complaint under consideration and promised relief as soon as possible
The committee received a communication through their chairman from Major Armstead requesting this committee to furnish him with two hundred shovels one hundred Pick axes and five hundred Pieces of Timber eight feet long and one foot square, for the purpose of erecting bomb proof covered ways for the protection of the soldiery stationed at Fort McHenry: therefore—
Resolved, That Mr. Payson be and he is hereby authorised and requested to have one hundred Pick axes and two hundred Shovels collected immediately and sent to Fort McHenry—
Resolved, That Mr. Burke and Mr. Taylor be and they are hereby authorised and directed to procure five hundred pieces of Timber eight feet long and twelve inches square and with all possible dispatch to deliver them to Major Armstead at Fort McHenry—
The Committee then adjourned to 3 O’Clock P. M. of this day—